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About the Bounty

This Action Item is part of the Solidarity Network’s Campaign to End Life Imprisonment

Read the Full Open Letter and Sign to Complete the Action Item

We are writing to ask you to please join the ongoing campaign calling on California Governor Gavin Newsom to commute the sentences of all 5200+ people serving Life Without Parole (LWOP) in California state prisons, and ultimately to remove LWOP from the state penal code.

When we initiated this campaign under then-governor Jerry Brown, over 100 social justice organizations and individuals signed CCWP's letter to the Governor, distributed and mailed postcards to the Governor, participated in town halls or local educational meetings, and joined in a day of action on Aug. 6th, 2018 in Sacramento, CA to DROP LWOP! Gov. Brown was deeply impacted by all of this work, especially by all of the letters, poems, photographs, banners, and other artwork he received from people serving LWOP throughout the state. Before he left office in January 2019, Gov. Brown had commuted the sentences of 147 people serving LWOP, including 31 people incarcerated in the women’s prisons.

We are asking Gov. Newsom to continue this work, allowing everyone currently serving an LWOP sentence to receive a parole-eligible sentence. Will you join us in expanding this campaign? Please fill out the form below to sign on to CCWP's new letter to Gov. Newsom.

For more information and updates on the DROP LWOP Campaign, please check the website: https://droplwop.com/ and to read the full letter please visit https://droplwop.com/letter-to-governor-newsom/

<aside> 🎯 Your Goal: Sign Open Letter to Governor Newsom Demanding Clemency for All 5,200 Californians Doing Life Without Parole


Evaluation Criteria
